Monday, November 21, 2011

I've Been MIA Lately

I'm not exactly sure why, but lately I have not really wanted to update here or on my usual message board.  And honestly, today is no different. 

I'm kind of just forcing myself to post because I am feeling so crappy about myself that I'm hoping this will help.

Since the last time that I posted, I started seeing a therapist.  For the most part, I think it is going to be a very positive experience for me.  Some of the issues she has already pointed out to me are definitely fixable and will hopefully get me to a better place with everything in my life.  I go back on Wednesday and feel like I definitely could use to go today as well.

Nothing necessarily happened to me today to cause the way I'm feeling, I just can't shake this overwhelming sadness.  I have been on the brink of tears all day and could just curl into a bawl and lay in bed forever. 

Maybe I'm still not quite over last cycle and losing our little embies, or maybe it's yesterday's baby shower, or maybe it's the co-worker who just had a baby last week, or maybe its the pregnancy announcement from a close friend....the list goes on. 

I just wish this nightmare would end and I could finally be rewarded with what I have worked and prayed so hard for.  Maybe someday I'll be able to look back at this journey as just a memory while I'm holding a baby in my arms.


  1. ((super huge hugs)) IF is such a bitch. I wish none of us had to go through this.

  2. I noticed you hadn't been posting much. I'm so sorry. IF sucks. The journey is long and hard. Hopefully taking some time to take care of yourself will help you be stronger and prepared for when you are ready to try again. {hugs}
