Friday, March 30, 2012

Fitting In

Back when I first started this blog I was still frequenting the TTGP (trying to get pregnant) message board  (on thebump's website) and had been on it for almost a year.  I remember thinking to myself back then that I wasn't really sure I belonged on that message board anymore.  After all, almost every. single. person. posting seemed to be new.  All those women were moving on except for me.

So, I made the decision (after getting our results back from the RE) that I would look for support on another message board.  I introducted myself on the TTTC (trouble trying to conceive board) and immediately knew it was a good fit for me.  The support that I have gotten from that board has really helped me through some dark times.

However, in the last month or two that feeling has definitely waned.  I'm starting to feel yet again, like I don't belong.  Even though I don't really post there anymore.  I still lurk daily and I'm noticing that soooo many of the women in that community have now graduated and left me in the dust once again. 

It's hard to stay positive and have resolve about things working out for us when I see so many others who seem to have been in the same boat as us, finally get what they were hoping for.  Don't get me wrong...I am so very happy for each and every one of those women.  To struggle with infertility and come out on the other side with a baby is just absolutely wonderful.  It just doesn't change the way it makes feel when I have to endure seeing yet more women accomplish what we have been searching for, for what feels like an eternity. 

I've been wondering lately if I even belong on that message board anymore....Is this the part of our journey where we must start to turn the page and give other options much more thought than before?  I know that I am not ready emotionally (or really anywhere near it) to start planning or even researching adoption, but I can't help but notice this growing voice deep down that is trying to prepare me for what may be our reality.  The sadness that accompanies these thoughts is ever growing.

I know that over time I will learn to move on if neccessary, but looking at what potentially lies ahead for us scares the living crap out of me.  As we get further and further down this path, I'm sure that I (well both Brad and I) will come to a place where we must make decision about treatment and whether or not to continue.  Who knows where I will fit in then... 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A year already?

I just realized today that I started this blog last year at the beginning of March.  I absolutely cannot believe that it has already been a year!  I remember thinking that I had waited too long to start our story...I guess I didn't realize how much longer our story could get...

It does make me kind of sad though......  I really thought I would be pregnant by now.  As much as that stings, I know that I am moving forward and becoming a better person for all the struggle we've been through.  It would just be nice to have achieved the our goal by now.  :(

Here's to continuing to write about "our baby journey"...wherever that journey might take us.  :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Yesterday I went to a "wellness group" hosted by my docotor's office.  I guess they call it a wellness group because "Support Group" has such a negative conotation.  It was different than I expected it to be- although I'm not really sure what I expected.

My acupuncturist told me about it a couple of weeks ago (he spoke for a portion of time as a guest yesterday) and it peeked my interest as another step I could take to make IF more manageable.

It was a small gathering of 8 women (and 1 man--wow he was brave) with some candles lit and some soft music playing when I walked in.  My IVF nurse was there along with a therapist.  We went around the room and introduced ourselves and gave a brief summary of our respective journies and then the therapist started getting into some deeper things.  Some people started to add their own experiences and before long many women were sharing little tidbits about their lives that I felt a connection with, in some way.  It was nice to hear the same thoughts from my head, coming out of someone else's mouth...made me feel so much more validated. 

Then something happened that I wasn't expecting- I started to get choked up.  At times my eyes would fill up with tears as I would connect with things the therapist or others were saying.  I never actually cried, but all those raw, true emotions came flooding back- emotions that I haven't really felt for over a month.  I think I realized that while I have been doing some really positive things in my life as of late, that I may have also been suppressing some of the grief and loss that I carry with me.

I realized last night that it is still okay to get upset and breakdown about what we are going through because, well...we're still going through it.  Even if we're not in the middle of an IVF cycle (or any other medicated cycle) I shouldn't be pretending like the hurt isn't there.  It was as if I have been so focused on trying to be happy- succeeding for the most part- that I pushed down all my sadness so that I couldn't feel it. 

After last night, I feel like balance is restored--balance that I didn't even realize was missing until all those feelings came flooding back.  And going forward, I need to make sure that I allow those feelings to come up and deal with them in a healthy way.  It's okay to be sad sometimes, as long as I'm making positive steps towards being happy in other areas of my life. 

Infertility does not define who I am.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Acupuncture, Spring Weather, and Running

Since I updated last, I did ask my acupuncturist if I could do the 8k at the end of this month.  He basically told me that I could do it if I really wanted to but he didn't necessarily agree.  I decided against the race and have just been running on my schedule since.  It's actually been really nice to not have to worry about training for a 5 mile race in less than 4 weeks.  This way I can just relax and do whatever I feel comfortable with each day that I run.  It definitely doesn't hurt that the weather has been amazing! 

I'm so glad that (it seems) like spring is finally here.  Don't ge me wrong, I know this is Chicago and that we could still be in store for more cold temperatures and even snow in the next 30 days, but for now I prefer not to think about that and just bask in the break in weather.  I actually wore open toed wedges to work's the small things that make me so happy!!!

With the warm weather, also comes the anticipation of our next IVF cycle in April.  January seems so long ago now and I'm ready to start the ball rolling on treatment again.

My cycle hasn't exactly been normal after IVF in January.  Today is day 38 of my cylce but it's looking like it's going to turn into day 1.  I have been cramping all morning and semi spotting since late Sunday.  I'm actually pretty proud of myself this cycle.  I didn't really chart anything but I did check cervical position a couple of times when I thought I was close to ovulating and I'm pretty sure that I O'd on CD26.  If I get my period today, that puts me at an 11 day LP unmedicated which isn't too bad.  Of course it would have been even better if I got pregnant this cycle, but for obvious reasons, I didn't exactly have my hopes up.  So, it's on to treatment again and I'm actually kind of excited to talk to the nurses and my RE because I kind of miss them.  :)

Oh and last but not least, we are going to Vegas in June with some friends!!!!!  I am so excited to get away and think we'll have a blast!