Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Today was a very bittersweet day for me.  I graduated.....from the RE's office that is.  I had my final appt this morning and baby looked great on the u/s.  I asked my RE if he could go back to being an OB.  Needless to say I couldn't persuade him and so I must move on to another doctor. 

After the u/s the staff there all gave us hugs and final congratulations.  As great as it is to be moving on to what all the other normal pregnant people experience, I will still miss all those great people that helped me get where I am today.  And when I say that, I don't just mean the fact they they got me pregnant.  They helped me get through a really rough and dark time by providing great support that came at just the right time.  Thankfully, I had the sense to listen and figure out how to take the steps to be happy with my life, no matter the outcome of this journey.  I just can't say enough nice things about that office. 

Enough of the super sappy stuff. 

Here is baby today at 8w4d

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Well, it finally happened

I started getting morning sickness at the end of last week (or should I call it all day sickness).  It seemed to start last Tuesday when I noticed that my stomach was beginning to act a little funny but couldn't really really saw that my stomach was upset-just felt weird.  Then, by Friday it was obvious that my stomach issues were definitely morning sickness.  So far, I haven't thrown up (thank goodness for that) but it has been interesting at work trying to act normal when you feel like you're going to be sick at any moment. 

While it's not great (feeling sick for a good portion of the day), I am still loving every second.  It's a reminder that my little lovebug is growing.  If I have to deal with this stuff for a while longer I know that I can and that it will all be worth it.

Meanwhile though, my eating habits have taken a nose dive (as I sip on a pop at 9:30 in the morning trying to calm my stomach).  I go to acupuncture today, so maybe he can do something to help with the stomach issues and get me back to eating healthy...a girl can dream, right?

Another symptom, my stamina has tanked.  I got released to run a couple of weeks ago, and even though I am trying to take it easy, it seems like I couldn't run any faster even if I wanted to.  While it still feels really good to get a run in, I am completely worn out afterwards-like omg, I'm gonna fall over, tired.  Hopefully, I will see a return in my stamina in a few weeks after first tri is over or I'm not sure how much longer I can keep the running up....  We shall see. :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update at 7w5d pregnant

I've been terrible about updating since I left for vacation almost 2 weeks ago, so I will try to fit all the fun stuff into this post without boring anyone too much.

First let me start off with our trip to Vegas.  I was wonderful and relaxing!  Brad and I had a fabulous time with some great friends.  Here is a short picture timeline of our trip. 

I snapped this in the car when we were leaving at 5:30 am.  Brad wasn't too please since he was eating at the time...oh well!

When we first arrived we immediately hit the pool.  Ahhhh, so nice!
That night we went to Wolfgang Puck for dinner and of course it was amazing.  This was the beginning of my terrible eating habits while we were there.  I've been having a hard time getting back to eating healthy since we got back, but I'm slowly getting there again.  Being hungry or should I say starving all the time isn't really helping matters.

The 2nd day we went golfing at a fantastic course.  We got lucky that day and it wasn't all that hot.

On our 3rd night, we walked through the Wynn after dinner and found this beautiful flower and light garden.
On our last night, we went to Cabo Wabo and has some amazing mexican food.  Of course, Brad had to make sure to ruin at least one picture.

So, that was our trip in a nutshell. :)

The day after we got back from Vegas we had an ultrasound first thing in the morning.  They were able to see and HEAR the heartbeat.  Oh my gosh, it was so completely amazing!  We were both so happy to see our little lovebug growing away.  We went back this week for another u/s and we go again next week.  This is the most recent picture at 7w4d. 

I think I'm getting really spoiled with all these appointments where we get to see the baby.  It's going to be a rude awakening when I get released to an OB and don't get to see him/her every week!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Yay for Vacation!

I'm so excited to go on vacation this Saturday!  This past week has been quite stressful and work filled.  I am definitely ready to put my mind, body and soul in a relaxed place.  Vegas should be just the place for that, right?  Haha, well it will be with the things we got planned. 

I realize that it's been a while since I updated and shared the exciting news that we are expecting, so here is an update on what has been going on since then.

I have been having a pleathera of different symptoms with exhaustion being the most noticeable.  I'm not kidding you, there are somedays (like today) that I feel like a truck ran me over.  It's a fight to keep my eyes open at work and oh so tempting to just lay my head down on my desk....I'm sure the boss would love that!  :)

We went for our first pregnancy scan yesterday.  There was a lot of anxious excitement to find out A. If there was actually something in there, and B. If there was more than one in there.  Turns out we are expecting a singleton.  :)  Of course, we are over the flipping moon about this but somewhere inside it still stung a little to know that one of the embryo's didn't survive.  Even though we both were only hoping for one baby for a lot of reasons, knowing that we lost one of our lovebugs just didn't sit all that well at first. 

When we first arrived we were informed that it may be possible that we would only see the gestational sac and not the yolk sac just yet.  As long as there was a gestational sac (in the uterus) they would have been happy.  What wonderful news to see the tiny little white dot inside the gest. sac which was the yolk sac.  <3

I know it's not much, but I'm in love!!!

When we get back from Vegas next week, we go back for our next scan to hopefully see a heartbeat.  It's probably a good thing that we are going to be on vacation to keep our minds off of this next HUGE appt.