Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is here!

Today is the first official day of Spring and I couldn't be happier!  On to beautiful weather, cute new outfits, and getting back into shape. :) 

I started running outside last week and am so glad that the weather has cooperated thus far.  My two siberian huskies/babies Suki and Mya run with me and have a blast!  I also committed to running a 5k and an 8k in May with Kellie, one of my good friends that moved just 2 miles down the road from us last summer.  Now that I have a goal, that should keep me focused on working out!

This past weekend was nice and relaxing.  I had some girl time on Saturday and then had the house to myself that night because Brad was at a fantasy baseball draft.  Sunday morning I got my hair done and then last night on Sunday, we went to dinner with my parents for a belated birthday celebration for Brad.

March madness is in full swing.  I filled out a bracket for work and it's doing terribly!  I normally couldn't care less about NCAA basketball, but something about March madness is so fun and appealing....could be that there is money involved! ;)

Even though today is Monday, I'm in an overall great mood (must be the weather).  I have my phone consult on Wednesday afternoon to go over my newest bloodwork results.  Here's to hoping that goes as well as possible.  Since I have already accepted the fact that something is not right, I'm hoping to be able to focus and get a clear game plan going forward....Brad and I talked last night about possibly starting the clomid next cycle (moving it up one month) if my results are still really poor.  But I guess only time will tell.  I told Brad that I want to be 100% comfortable and ready for any step we choose to take going forward so that I can be as relaxed as possible. 

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