Well, I'm officialy on BCP again...I started Saturday. It's pretty odd to be taking these at this stage and I'm pretty sure they are giving me headaches (yay).
I made my 3 consults for this month and the RE called in all my precriptions. When the pharmacy called me yesterday to go over everything with me and get the date I need my meds I asked the woman on the phone how many precriptions there were in total. Until that point I had foolishly not bothered to ask (although I knew it would be a lot). She started counting and didn't stop until 11. 11 prescriptions....holy crap!!! Picturing what it's going to be like to sort through all those has me a little overwhelmed. Thankfully, I have med/injection training in a couple of weeks.
So back to my conversation with the pharmacy. I have said from the beginning that I have what I would consider to be pretty good insurance. After all, they cover IVF and all other treatments. So, you can imagine my surprise when she told me my total for my meds was $3,368.67. Ummm, WTF????? She then informed me that follistim (a very common injectable even for IUI-a procedure which I have already done) was the majority of that cost coming out at $2,772.85. She told me that it was not covered under my plan.
Well, as you can imagine, this set me off on a trail to find some answers because there was NO WAY that I could possibly owe that! I have now been on the phone with so many different departments of my insurance company since yesterday that I feel like I have made some progress on getting this resolved. At this point, my meds could cost me anywhere between $1,300-$300....quite the gap isn't it? Well, that's because I have been getting such conflicting stories...shocking from an insurance company right?? Can you feel the sarcasm jumping off the screen.
After all this talk about med costs yesterday, I decided to actually write down on paper what other costs would be involved with IVF. I got financial paperwork in the mail over the weekend that outlined costs that are not covered by insurance. Add that to my max OOP for the year and co-pays and that comes to over $2k.
So basically, if I do end up paying full cost for my meds and my calculated cost for all other areas, we are looking at just under $6k for one cycle. I cannot believe it....all this time I thought I had phenomonal insurance. I guess I just have sticker shock over the whole thing.
I'm just going to be keeping my fingers crossed that I can get med costs under control, otherwise it's going to seriously alter how many times we can do IVF in a short period of time.
Insurance can be so so so frustrating! I'm glad your insurance at least covers IVF...we're looking at a whopping 15k if we go down that road. Yikes!