We got to see the wiggleworm again on the u/s but this time with lots of really cool shots. The u/s tech put the machine on a particular setting which showed all the blood moving in baby's body each time it's heart pumped (so very cool), we got to see some color shots, and then of course the normal black and white. Baby was just kicking away. :)
She also let me know that I have an anterior placenta. This means that I carry in the front of my ute and it will most likely correlate to feeling the baby later than expected. Since the baby is not up against my organs and what not, it could be until 22 weeks when I start feeling movement...boo. Not all a terrible thing since she also mentioned that it may save me from painful kicks and punches later on in the pregnancy. I was just looking forward to feeling this sweet baby in the next few weeks... :(
Now onto my update. I made it to 14 weeks on Saturday and I'm still feeling pretty good.
How far along?
14 weeks 3 days
How are you feeling?
For the most part pretty good. There seems to be lots of little twinges in my abdomen and back these days. Nothing too terrible except for when the sciatica decides to act up....that will stop me in my tracks. Stretching seems to help a little too. Nausea is still gone and my energy level is way better than it used to be, although I still have days where I feel completely wiped out.
Loving cookies right now and still sugar in general. I am making a very concious effort to get plenty of fruits and veggies too since I'm pretty sure that sugar is not exactly what the baby needs.
What are you missing?
Missing a nice cold glass of wine and maybe some cheese to go along with...mmmmmm! I am also really starting to miss running at my old pace. It seems like every week that goes by I get more and more winded. I have slowed my pace down substiantially and I still really enjoy running but I'm nervous that my body is going to be forcing me to go on walks instead of runs before I expected. For now, I'm still really enjoying being able to work out though, so it's kind of double sided.
Maternity Clothes?
Nothing in this category yet. I have started unbuttoning my pants by afternoon and I'm sure I'm going to be using a hair tie by the end of the week. I really need to make a point to go try on some maternity pants soon so I can be sure of my size. Maybe in the next couple of weeks?
What are you looking forward to?
Our anatomy scan is coming up soon. I need to call and make the appointment this week so that we can hopefully get in the week before Labor Day. Also, Brad and I have done a ton of research in the last week or so regarding some of the big items we'll register for. I think we'll start our registery in the next couple of weeks and then finish it shortly after we find out the sex.
Something you're loving about being pregnant?
Everything....even the difficult stuff!
Since bathroom pics aren't all that appealing, here are 2 diferent shots (one in the bathroom) for your viewing pleasure:
So glad your appointment went well! Looking great, mama :)