Friday, June 24, 2011


Well, I had my IUI on Wednesday morning after I told the doctor about my positive opk.  They also took blood and did an internal ultrasound that morning.  My follies didn't look any bigger (possibly even smaller) and my LH was 47.  The nurse thought that my LH level looked pretty good to determine that ovulation may have happened/was happening.

Fast forward to this morning (Friday).  Yesterday morning did not bring a temp increase of very much at all so I knew when I went to bed last night that this morning's temp needed to shoot up.  Well, it didn't.  I am crushed.  Apparently I didn't ovulate when the opk told me I would. 

This seems very similar to my first clomid cycle when my follicle growth seemed to stop and then a few days later, I ovulated on my own on cd19.

The doctors office doesn't open for about a half hour so I will be calling them as soon as I possibly can to determine what they want me to do. 

We leave for vacation today-so much for starting things out right.  Looks like another cycle of timed intercourse (which obviously doesn't work so I don't know why we even both-probably because at this point we can't throw away any chance we get).

My opks never led me astray before I started the meds so why now?  Does my body react a little differently to clomid than the norm?  Why can't this just work?  This is so f-ing heartbreaking and I don't know how to get through the day today. 

I guess going from the high of being able to do IUI and then having all that false hope stripped away from me has left me shattered.....the IUI won't work since I didn't ovulate.  Why me?

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